June Real Estate Statistics

CREB® released the June statistics, reporting that sales in June reached 2,738, marking a 13 percent decline from last year’s record high. Although sales improved for homes priced above $700,000, it was not enough to offset the declines reported in the lower price ranges. Despite the easing in June sales, they remain over 17 percent higher than long-term trends.

“The pullback in sales reflects supply challenges in the lower price ranges, ultimately limiting sales activity,” said Ann-Marie Lurie, Chief Economist at CREB®. “Inventory in the lower price ranges of each property type continue to fall, providing limited choices for potential purchasers looking for more affordable product. It also continues to be a competitive market for some buyers with over 40 per cent of the homes sold selling over list price.”

This month, new listings also eased relative to sales, causing the sales-to-new-listings ratio to remain elevated at 72 per cent. Inventory levels did improve over last year’s low levels, primarily due to gains in the higher price ranges. However, with 3,789 units available, levels remain 40 per cent lower than long-term trends.

The modest change in inventory levels helped increase the months of supply. However, at 1.4 months, conditions continue to favor sellers. Persistently tight conditions drove further price gains this month. In June, the unadjusted benchmark price rose to $608,000, a gain over last month and nearly nine per cent higher than last year. Prices rose across all districts, with the most significant year-over-year gains occurring in the North East and East districts.


June sales remained relatively stable compared to last year at levels that remain well above long-term averages. At the same time, we saw a boost in new listings this month compared to last year. However, with 269 new listings and 209 sales, the sales-to-new-listings ratio remained elevated at 78 per cent, keeping inventories relatively low based on historical standards.

Like Calgary, Airdrie is experiencing the tightest conditions for the most affordable sectors of the market, and prices continue to rise. In June, the unadjusted benchmark price rose to $554,500, nearly one per cent higher than last month and nine per cent higher than last year’s levels. Price growth has been the highest for apartment-style properties.


June sales improved over last year’s levels, contributing to the year-to-date gain of seven per cent. This was possible thanks to the boost in new listings in June. However, the gains in new listings did little to impact the inventory levels, which remained consistent with levels reported last year and are 44 per cent lower than levels we typically see in June.

With nearly one and a half months of supply, conditions continue to favour the seller, driving further price gains this month. In June, the unadjusted benchmark price was $571,100, an increase over last month and nearly nine per cent higher than last year’s levels. Like Airdrie, the price growth was strongest for apartment-style units, which are also the most affordable products available in the town.


Sales in June slowed compared to last year, mostly due to a pullback in the detached sector. Sales activity has been somewhat restricted due to the limited supply options. As of June, there were 81 units in inventory, 56 per cent lower than levels we typically see in the month, and detached supply is nearly 63 per cent lower.

Persistently tight market conditions have kept prices elevated compared to last year. While there has been some monthly fluctuation, year-to-date prices are nearly nine per cent higher than last year’s levels.

Read the full release here www.creb.com/News/Media_Releases/2024/July/June_sales_decline_amid_supply_challenges_and_rising_prices/ and connect with me for more about the real estate market in and around Calgary. Join me on Facebook and Google to be a part of the action!
